Every 1-2 hours freezing the wheel base and all input devices

in iRacing
Hello, I have installed latest driver, fm, and fanalab in november. Since I have several freezes in iRacing I decided to downgrade to driver 356 / fw 670. Now, 3 days later, I have freezes too :( I don´t know what to do next. Which driver / fm is the best for a stable running without freezes?
My hardware:
Clubsport universal hub for xbox one
v3 pedals
PC driver at the moment 356 / fw 670
fanalab v1.53
Can anyone help me please? I´m frustrated, because I have wasted many races while freezing. iRacing keep running, but I must reset the pc because i can´t use any input devices, wheel, keyboard, mouse...
then its running for a while and then another freeze :(
Best regards
My guess is the usb were put to sleep. Try turning them off through the device manager.
Thanks for the tip, I will try it :)
No, I have all energy-safe modes off or deaktivated. Then I´m back to all driver and firmware´s up to date. 1 hour driving, then freezing. Iracing is running and I can quit the session with mouse. When I go in Fanatec wheel property page, then the wheel seems not working, I can´t go left or right, short time later the whole window-property-page freezes and I must close it and restart Win10... :( :( :( now I can´t drive any races, because I don´t know when the next wheel freeze is coming ...
I also have a DD1 running on all the newest drivers and FanaLab, and I haven't had this issue.
Did you uncheck "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power"?
Yes, I have all unchecked. I have new drivers installed. all deinstalled, another installed ... anything i do, nothing changes. Freezing is still there
Have you checked the Event viewer in Windows to see if any error USB is reported there?
Check the computers BIOS as well to see if any sleep or energy savings options are ticked there.
Yes, no issues reported. In bios I have all energy savings options deactivated too.