Would a DD1 be "wasted" on console arcade racing?

After watching _tons_ of sim racing videos on youtube (and I gotta admit, the 100% FF challenges), I've gotten completely obsessed.

I hate to sound like a dude-bro but I'm (as of yet, in any case) purely interested in an arcade experience, with games like Grid and Horizon 4, but also like a bit more serious ones, such as Dirt 2.0. I love the thought of having to properly fight the wheel and feel sore in my arms after a long session. I'm not looking for sim realism. I can definitely see myself getting into it later on, but not for now.

This is the setup I'm thinking.

Now, for me, 2000 euro is an obscene amount of money for this (never mind a recent Series X purchase, and a stand strong enough to support a DD wheel), but I honestly think that would end up having much more fun with a DD1 than with a CSL Elite for example (even tho both would have been amazing, of course), and I'm thinking, with being cooked up at home for the foreseeable future, it's now or never. Plus I'm also thinking, if I'm gonna spend money of anything right now, it should be on things that make me enjoy being home more.

I'm a casual gamer that might end up playing a an hour a day, and hopefully have game nights, taking turns with friends, and I'm thinking, I want to maximise the fun I'm having those hours.

Another thing that also makes me feel a little better about a potential purchase of this magnitude is that all the Fanatec equipment seems to hold a really decent second-hand value. So if - against all odds - I grow tired of it, it would be possible to at least recoup a decent part of the value.

What is your take on this situation? Am I crazy for thinking of getting a DD1 for battling my wheel on high torque in Dirt 2.0 on an Xbox Series X?

Sorry for the wall of text and thanks for reading!



  • Maybe I should have posted this in Off Topic, sorry about that.

  • Whatever makes you happy playing games. That's enough justification.

    I think a DD is great for Dirt 2.0 💪

  • If you have the money and the illusion buys a DD and you will avoid spending more money in the future, you will already have a definitive driving base....

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