New McLaren GT3 V2 Wheel

I would like to know what Fanatec will do for the consumers that bought the old wheel and had all the problems with the gear shifter? Because I am one of those consumers and I had to buy an after market solution, that actually works great, much better than the original but I had to buy it.
When your wheel was under warranty you could always have contacted Fanatec directly to get it fixed by a repair or exchange... But you chose the aftermarket solution (which voided your warranty anyway).
And if its out of warranty.. well, then there is nothing you can do other than buying the v2 wheel and sell the v1... You wont get a free upgrade to a v2 I am sure. Thats just not how business is working, sorry..
Maybe for your reality you can send back to repair but for most of us Brazilians, this is not an option....What I am trying to bring up with this subject is that Fanatec had a defective product, with no solution, because that they put out of the market the first wheel. I read so many people saying that they sent back to Fanatec and the problem with the gear shifter come back even after Fanatec "repaired". I think Fanatec should contact the previous model owners and offer them some kind of discount or an opportunity to upgrade the old model, as a courtesy for consumers that bought something that never worked properly.
You didn't like the old wheel so now you want a new one for free? Doesn't make sense. If you had a problem with the original wheel you should have addressed it under warranty. If you want the new one, purchase it and sell the old one - you'll probably get a big chunk of your money back that way too, so hopefully it works out for you.
I love it my wheel! You probably don't but the McLaren doesn't work at all, has an unsolvable chronic problem with gear shifters, I don't want anything from Fanatec, what I am saying is as curtesy and an intelligent police, they should contact owners and work for a solution, because the precious model didn't work. I am very happy with my upgrade, I don't want to change or get a new one. But apparently this forum is only for fanatec fanatics and unconditional worshipers....
the previous model worked for thousands of people who never had any problems - including myself. Shifters are still working wonderfully without any issues. So it would make no sense at all for Fanatec to contact EVERY owner of a CSL Elite McLaren v1 Wheel as not everyone is having any issues. Its the user with a malfunctioning wheel who has to get in touch with Fanatec under warranty.
Is the McLaren V2 steering wheel compatible with PS4/PS5 or only Xbox? Thank you
EVERY wheel is working on playstation when yoh use it on a playstation compatible wheel base
Does the New McLaren v2 require latest 3.81 drivers and fanalab to function ? Or can you use an earlier driver i.e. v3.56 w/o fanalab?
Yes it requires the very latest drivers.
Just pre-ordered mine, I'm so excited. This was JUST what I was looking for, a reasonably priced wheel with more functions than the P1. Thanks for making what looks to be the ideal combo of function and cost. Come on January!
Okay, but if the previous wheel was so great and work perfect for thousands of clients as you say, why fanatec took off the market so fast? That wheel was not a special model.....
So fast? It was available for well over a year...
A question to you and other people suddenly complaining about the V1 in the forum: why did you start complaining AFTER the V2 was announced and didn't do everything you could to get a wheel without issues?
From the outside this smells heavily like a try to get a free upgrade to the V2.
PLEASE HELP ME!!!! I'm trying to preorder the GT3 Mclaren wheel off the Fanatec website and when I try to create an it says:
"The selected country is not available for shipping. Please select another shipping address"
What is going on here?!! Last I heard these things were flowing into Canada freely? So hilariously typical, can't place a preorder on a time-constrained product even though I'm standing right here waving money at it. Just kill me already.
nevermind i think i just figured it out
So it is Sold out already. Damn!
Would they produce more or we will go back to inflated second hand prices? 😔
that's most likely a bug on the website. This wheel is not limited and pre orders are open for February next year.
Is there any indication when the first preorders of the McLaren v2 will start shipping ?
First batch was already shipped and arrives at customers as early as Monday.
Next shipment I supposed was mid January for second batch, then mid February for third batch according to pre order date I saw.
Just got mine Christmas present, thanks Fanatec and UPS, fast as always 🎅
Yes, I managed to order it this afternoon. Expected mid March... 😅
unlucky you, you are in the third batch...
Great wheel for it price, absolutely!
Only negative point is pretty noisy shifter paddle, but after you put two pieces of foamed plastic with tape (I used Armaflex) under aluminium paddle it´s as quiet as podium advanced paddle module.
Maurice i ordered a mclaren v2 on the day it was launched, but the order still shows as in progress.
Maybe you Ordered a Wheel from second batch which arrives mid January. The first stock (which was in Stock) was sold out within one hour.
ok thanks i ordered it in the evening so i am in the second batch.
I read above that a driver update is mandatory to use the new McLaren GT3 wheel.
Well, it's not really the case here. Just received it this morning, installed a quick release adapter and put it directly on my CSW 2.5 without updating the driver.So I'm still with an old 334 driver version (wheel base fw 639 and motor fw 22) and the wheel is totally functional.
Checked all buttons, switches and paddles, everything is ok. Switch allowing to change analogue paddle mode works fine also.
The only drawback is that latest fanalab software can't be used.
Tested on Assetto corsa, display show speed and gear as expected.
So what is really needed in latest driver ?
Why you dont want to update to the much better driver 381?
It has important fixes in general.
Full functionality of the McLaren v2 with driver 334 cant be guaranteed and is not covered by support as well which will also tell you to use at least driver 381...
Hi guys,
one question to the McLaren V2 wheel and the fanalab tuning. It is possible to change the preferred display from speed to gear display? At the moment i see the speed permanent with a short interruption when changing gears.
Yes. Go to the LED Tab in Fanalab and change Gear to C so it gets displayed constant.