Customer Service Please!! I want to return an item and buy a replacement wheel

Hi there ... can someone at Fanatec please help out? I've emailed multiple times since 4/19, sent a request through, tweeted, and FB messaged :)

Order number 1058612

I want to return the Podium Hub and buy a full wheel instead. Somebody? Anybody?

Adam Gershon


  • Who are you emailing? I would recommend you reach out to sales via the website.

  • Thanks James. I have been replying to my order confirmation:

    I also submitted a request through the contact form on the website:

    Pretty sure I chose "Sales Department" because I am interested in purchasing an additional wheel.

    I have also tried calling but the message says they are only available on the phone from 2pm to 4pm!! And since that's in Latvia that would be 4am-6am for me. I stay up late sim racing but not that late :)

  • You might want to hold off, I just got my csl elite with the Xbox p1 steering wheel , the wheel is now discontinued and it won’t work properly, I downloaded the latest drivers and it just errors a 8 on the wheel and spins back and forth indefinitely. Very disappointed with the product and more so with not being able to contact someone to help with it, you have to call at1:30 am due to the company being in Germany. Worst 850 dollars I have ever spent. I should have gone with the thrustmaster! I’m just hoping they don’t try to pull some crap and not refund me, or give me the run around. I have only had this thing for 2 days, I even ordered their pedals next day to make sure it wasn’t a conflict issue. tried forums and YouTube, nothing. Definitely not German quality like festools I’m used to.

  • That totally sucks. In my prepurchase research it seemed like the CSL Elite was a top choice (even above Thrustmaster), so unfortunately it sounds like you got a bum one. Hope you are able to get it figured out.

  • In my experience, Fantec will make it right if it's still within warranty. I started using Fanatec back when the Porsche GT 3RS wheel was the big thing, and still have a working set of CSP V2's. As a matter of fact, the Wheel still works too.

    I know folks use and like Thrustmaster, but every TM product I have owned (other than their original flight sticks they made before being bought out) has crapped out.

  • Just got my RMA yesterday so all is well :)

    Plus, I ordered the BMW GT2 clubsport wheel yesterday, it shipped today and will be here Monday!

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