Order Issues

I ordered the CSL Elite PS4 Starter Bundle, Clubsport SQ V 1.5 and Loadcell Kit from https://www.fanatec.com/us-en and went thru the usual ordering process which is adding to cart then buying. I have placed my order, wrote my address, etc. For payment I selected PayPal. So I got shown a PayPal web page that I used to login (much like any PayPal transaction) then confirmed my payment.

Afterwards I got returned to the Fanatec website and saw an error about me not having any orders. Relogging to Fanatec doesn't show any orders. I got a receipt from PayPal but I didn't get an order confirmation.

I've sent an email to webshop@fanatec.com but still no reply. Just trying to see what I can do here.


  • I got answer this morning they are going on holiday on Germany so probably we won't hear from them until Thursday, I'm still unable to make the purchase I don't that maybe because I'm not on US is not letting me even do I'm using a US shipping address, I ask a friend on US to do the purchase for me tomorrow and we will see if go through.

    I emailed them many time for the past days and no answer yet.

  • edited April 2020

    Matthew - same thing happened to me. Sent an email, no answer at the US phone number. Not sure what to do.

  • Since it's Easter Weekend, they might not respond until at least Monday.

  • i got a refund today since the order didn't go through.

  • My friend on US was able to do the purchase for me using his CC, the order show in process, maybe the issue is trying to do it with PayPal.

  • Still no reply to my email sent on April 9. I understand that with this corona thing going on it might be harder to respond, but I expect a response within 2 days of me sending an email. One of the worst customer support experiences I've ever had.

  • did you use an email, or the template on the website?

    they did not reply to my email i sent, but they replied to the question i submitted through the website, and gave me a refund since they did not receive the order (even though paypal charged me).

  • What do you mean through the website? Did you use the contact form?

  • Both, I'm probably gonna send another now that you say that though.

  • Yeah, I used the "Contact Us" part of the website - "I have a question about my order or purchased product". I filled that out. I could tell that's what they replied to, instead of my email. I didn't have an order number, so i just typed "000000". Also include your paypal transaction ID and paypal reference number in the email so they can find the payment you sent.

  • That ended up working, thanks. Got my refund.

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