Recent ship times to Canada? (Toronto)



- CSL Elite Steering Wheel P1 for Xbox One  

- ClubSport Pedals V3.  

- ClubSport Table Clamp V2.  

- ClubSport Steering Wheel F1® Esports  

- ClubSport Wheel Base V2.5 Anyone have a rough idea how long this will take to ship out? Been stuck in "processing" for 3 days now.  Seems like europeans are getting their stuff lightning fast.





  • Was everything in stock when you ordered?

  • edited August 2020

    Yeah everything on its product page said "Ready to ship" and still does. Why?

    I guess it's because of the whole USPS situation because my stuff is being shipped by USPS -_-

  • Hmm, usually then you would get one email from Fanatec saying your order was sent to the warehouse.

    the email will come from

    and the subject is Your Fanatec will be shipped soon

    Look through your spam folder and see if you received this one.

    After you get that one, for ground shipments it seems to take a few days for the warehouse to gather the items, and at some point they'll create a shipping label, which seems to trigger an email from Fedex with a tracking number.

    I don't have experience with shipments to Canada, but I suspect there are extra customs forms that probably need to be created for these orders, which might add a delay before they can send them to the warehouse.

    (If you're not aware, Fanatec sends products from China to a warehouse here in the US, but it's not a Fanatec warehouse, it's a logistics company - from what I can tell, that company has historically done a great job of getting shipments out, but during the pandemic they've struggled a bit at times, which I feel is understandable.)

  • A few more thoughts for you....

    #1, you'll love that table clamp, it weighs like 10 pounds, your wheelbase isn't going to move at all!

    #2, Do you have an xbox? The F1 esports doesn't work with xbox, only the Formula V2.

  • edited August 2020

    Thanks. Yep I got that email on the 24th. I guess a few more days. It's all good. Mine isn't being shipped via FedEx, it's USPS. Will I still get a tracking numnber?

    Thanks for the detailed answers. You rule.

    I'm going to be going full iRacing on PC. Got some money from my grandparents. Just enough for this setup and a VR headset. I'm building my rig out of wood and mounting a cheap honda element seat to it.

    Next upgrade are some heusinkveld ultimates and I'll be set forever haha. What platform are you on? I'm basically just looking to get into the competitive scene at a high level.


  • I've heard of lots of people using VR headsets with racing games - my experience hasn't been that great so it might be worth investigating a bit more.

    If possible, compare sim racing on a 4k monitor, and also on a 3440x1440 monitor running at 144hz before making a decision on this one...

  • VR is so good that even trying shitty 2015 VR was enough to convince me. i cant even imagine 144hz vr with 200 degrees fov and little to no screen door effect. just insanity. i dont get motion sick.

  • I ordered mine this week on the 24, received the first email and still waiting for 2nd with tracking number.

    Club Sport V2.5 Wheelbase, pedals and new F1 rim.

    shipping to Ottawa Canada.

    Can not wait!

  • edited August 2020

    Yup exact same situation. Hoping we both get our tracking numbers this week!

  • Any update? I ordered the wheel, base and pedals on the 25th and a button set on the 26th. Got the tracking for the bottons but not the rest?????

  • No update except some loser "pro racer" flaming me in the comments of my other thread. I didn't get tracking to anything yet.

  • This COVID thing is putting a damper on things. Looks like Suddath Global Logistics who are handling warehousing for them are so backed up its not funny. I hear the postal service is not doing full pickups at the warehouse. Dammm TRUMP.

  • edited September 2020


    USPS Issues Take Toll On eCommerce Deliveries

    Delays at the Unites States Postal Service are starting to take their toll on eCommerce deliveries. As Postmaster General Louis DeJoy prepares to testify before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee in a virtual hearing on Friday (Aug. 21) and slowdowns persist across the country, several companies are taking their grievances — and alternate delivery plans — public.

    “The United States Postal Service continues to be strained, and we realize the burden this puts on our sellers. Delivery and scan delays persist, and we are monitoring not only the delays but ongoing negotiations in Washington,” said eBay VP of Seller Operations and Engagement Marni Levine in a blog post. “We are continually monitoring shipping developments and USPS delays. We are working on other affordable, more reliable delivery options for sellers. Stay tuned for important developments in this area in the coming weeks.”

    Exactly what those development could be are unknown at present with UPS and FedEx working at capacity. In the blog post, Levine says eBay is extending estimated delivery dates to give buyers a more reasonable expectation of when items will be delivered. She assured the company’s sellers that these extended estimates should enable the buyer-seller relationship to stay intact.

    Patrick Green, who runs an eBay store that sells golf clubs, told The Wall Street Journal nearly half of his USPS shipments since May have been late, with roughly a quarter of deliveries taking more than a week to arrive at their destinations. “These delays lead to a ton of extra work for me,” the Connecticut-based analytics consultant told the newspaper. “When I see an item has arrived in five days, I consider that lucky.”

    In July, USPS delivered 91.6 percent of first-class and priority mail packages on time. That’s the lowest rate since the pandemic started, when the rate was 91.1 percent, according to ShipMatrix Inc., which analyzes shipping data.

    Service improved after the USPS added an additional day to some delivery commitments in late April, but it has not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels, according to ShipMatrix. The firm said 93.8 percent of parcels arrived on time between Aug. 2 and Aug. 12.

    The USPS is just one option for eCommerce companies, one that they choose based on data and the types of shipments that need to be made. Tania DeStefano, director of planning, merchandise and supply chain at Italian fashion eCommerce company M.Gemi, says the USPS has presented some issues, but not severe ones.

    “It presents a little bit of a problem but we have always used a tiered approach for our different service levels and different providers,” she tells PYMNTS. “So some of the closer regions are being delivered by USPS and some are being delivered by UPS. And we actually have a third party fulfillment center in Italy as well. We have accounts readily available at many different shipping providers and we’re able to pivot that way. And we always work with our reps at all our carriers.”

    The USPS issues have a downstream effect as well. UPS, DHL and FedEx use it to handle a portion of their deliveries via the same Parcel Select service used by Amazon.

    “In cases where it’s not actually profitable for Amazon, UPS, FedEx or DHL to make the delivery, they actually rely on USPS,” Mario Paganini, head of marketing at Shippo, which provides software to connect businesses with shipping services, told CNBC. “It’s much more cost effective to bring a large volume of halfway or all the way across the country and then have the USPS do the last-mile delivery.”


    and another one which covers more in depth the USPS issues.

    Fanatec should sit down and discuss with Suddath not to mitigate the issue to the end receiver but try and find solutions with other carriers that although they struggle they are not delaying so much.

    EDIT: Since you guys are in Canada still dont understand why not using Simulation 1 shop. The guys there should be able to cover all your needs without a hassle online and if you live close by they are also walk in shop which you can buy your gear over the counter, which most of us elsewhere we are not so fortunate to have. 😉

  • Not looking good if you’re in a hurry. I found Simulation 1 Systems in Toronto after I placed my order with Fanatec. I ended up ordering my monitor stand for my NextLevel rig and received within 2 days. Oh well!

  • Update 11:20 Wed Sep 2

    I just received my tracking numbers from Suddath warehousing. Yipppeeee.

    now for the USPS wait.

  • The tracking number from Suddath does not mean it shipped, it just means a label was printed to generate a tracking number.

    My packages sat in the warehouse in LA for over 33 days before starting to move. I ordered May 29th and received the final package July 22nd.

    Alexandros is correct, Fanatec need to change their shipping methods and services, they currently use the worst possible method. But the real question is does Fanatec really care. I dont think so.

    Since that I have bought anything else I need from Simulation 1 and that experience has been great, I recommend that shop over an online order nightmare from Fanatec.

  • I do realize its not shipping yet but at least my order is not lost or misplaced, this shows that my order is in process, like I saId now up to USPS. Also I did agree to the delay pop up on Fanatec site when I placed my order. I think they are doing there very best considering the world epidemic.

  • Hold that thought for the next two months while your warranty clock is already ticking as your products sit in their warehouse.

  • edited September 2020

    Yes I know, kinda sucks doesn’t it.

    Then once USPS delivers I’m sure Canada Customs has there delays. Then Canada Post is seing its delays....

    We are all in the same boat.

    Stay safe.......

  • edited September 2020

    Jeff I remember your nightmare deliveries with USPS. Fanatec for sure needs to up their game and find alternatives. Having said that is not that easy like you and me could change a logistics partner cause there are contracts in place (some times globally) which are difficult to get out or even cancel them.

    Unfortunately only time will tell and must hope for the best. At least there are alternatives to get your Fanatec product elsewhere. Which also has a bit of hidden headaches (warranty for example) but at the end you relay to the shop and not fanatec (while tech support you get through the usual channel).

    Anyway. So far all my products are bought either from Simulation1 (UAE branch) or Digital Motorsport in Ireland and both Shops have been more than excellent.

  • Update: Friday Sep 4 according to tracking all 4 items been processed and left the warehouse.

    Slow but steady....

  • All of my stuff has been stuck for days in the city beside me. One of my products then got shipped to the province beside me and is stuck there. Lmao. First and last time I order Fanatec.


  • My products got delivered to Quebec. I do not live in Quebec. $2000 in the dust and now what?

  • edited September 2020

    That suck, guess you should contact Canada Post.

    I got 3 of 4 so far one still hung at customs canada.

  • I did contact Canada Post. They said to contact Fanatec. Lmao.

  • I may have gotten ahead of myself. Canada Post messed up the tracking. I actually did get the package, it was just the stand so far. Waiting on the other 4.

  • So frustrating I know. I sure hope the wait is worth it. Damn Customs, damn COVID.

  • edited September 2020

    It has nothing to do with COVID and everything to do with Fanatec hiring a garbage company to handle logistics, combined with the fact that Fanatec is a penny pinching company that won't adequately staff their support department. They are penny pinching you at every corner. You pay massive amounts expecting good shipping, and they make a profit off what you pay for shipping.

    I've ordered stuff from all over the world, from smaller retailers, heavier items, and everything got here within a week for way way less shipping.

    I paid $210 US for shipping from Fanatec. For $210 US Doctor fucking Seuss himself should roll out a red carpet and hand deliver me my shit while offering me a side of green eggs and ham.

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