Possible to use Momo 6x70mm wheel with CSW 1.5
Adam L
Anyone have experiance using a Momo or similar 6x70mm wheel with CSW 1.5. At first I figured the Podium adapter would work - but have seen some online suggestions that while it will fit both the steering wheel and wheelbase it may not work since it won't have any electronics?
With a Direct drive, yes.
it may work with a pc, but u are correct, i too have been told with console some ui issues arise from lack of buttons.
However ,I don't think The podium hub will work with a CS v1.5. You would need the universal hub which has some electronics on board.
Surely someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
The universal accepts 6x70 as well as the 3 bolt and am pretty sure will work on the older bases.
heres a combo with the 6x70
here's one with the 3x
Great ideas. Thanks. I only need PC comparability. Unfortunately the product page doesn’t list the CSW compatible with the Original ClubSport wheelbase.
Anyone have experience using the Universal Xbox Hub on a CSW 1.5? I've done some additional research and gather there was an older version that was supported on the older CSW that was not Xbox compatible but is no longer for sale. I only need PC compatibility.