Ordered Porsche podium wheel in ‘suede’ but system says ‘leather’

I placed an order for the Porsche podium wheel in suede on 11/22 (the first day they were released). I never got any sort of email confirmation so I print screened the original order (that definitely shows suede).

In the orders section of my account it shows ‘leather’

I emailed support immediately after, but never heard back at all. I received shipping notification today (12/19), and attached was the receipt which still says ‘leather.’

Have any of you experienced this? I messaged support again, but still have not heard back.

Wondering if any of you have the same experience or if you have any advice of what to do? I can’t get ahold of anyone.


  • Tomas HelmsTomas Helms Member
    edited December 2019

    Leather is better then suede so I guess you lucked out! I never get this type of luck just delays

  • Haha, I like suede better that's why I picked that one. Placing the order is easy. Actually getting a hold of someone for support is basically impossible.

  • same exact thing happened to me

  • Ok so maybe they are mismarked in the system for everyone. I just didn’t want to have to go through a return and all of that when I can’t get ahold of anyone to begin with.

    Did yours ship today too?

  • I ordered mine on the 18th December when it said availability 20th December. Now in my orders page it says all the items are available 03rd January, 2020. Is mine not going to ship until January now?

    I also notice that the product page now says late February, so quite unsure how long i'll be waiting.

    Any update from Fanatec would be appreciated :-)

  • That's pretty weird. I have been periodically checking out the webpage since I have been waiting for mine to ship as well, and I think they just recently updated the page to "ready to ship now" too.

  • Have you had a shipping notification from Fanatec today?

    I haven’t heard anything yet, but hopefully someone from Fanatec can shed some light on it for me.. I’m alright to wait but would ideally like to know when to expect my one as I ordered it when it said availability 20th December (today).

  • i had this issue, it was reported immediately and solved thru the sales team.

    However, i have recieved my shipping confirmation and it states i don't have to wait for Santa anymore,

    I have to wait till the 26th and he's back at the north pole.


  • Hi DroosS,

    Did your order say that it was available to ship 03rd January, but you say you got your shipping confirmation today?

    Shall i email webshop@fanatec.com and ask them to update me?

  • Aaron ScottAaron Scott Member
    edited December 2019

    i was hoping to be one of the 1st pre-orders ,but snafu and hilarity ensued.

    if u have a tracking email and shipping date, contacting the sales team would just confuse and enrage you.

    if you're still in the order confirmation stage , i probably would still wait, because contacting the sales team will confuse and enrage you or you may get something done, 🤷‍♂️

    Merry Holidays everyone and a fanatec F.u. to me, at least i dont have to wait till after xmas for my unboxing and reveal! However, Now we have to explain why Santa was late with this one.🤦‍♂️

    Sub my YouTube and twitch to see mine on the 26th, heres hoping its not a nascar rim on a club-hub.

    my reaction to legacy mode on my $700 rim will be priceless!

    That is if any of it works with ps4 at all?

  • You re not going to be a happy bunny then - of course all you will get is Legacy mode on console - Intelligent telemetry relies on Fanalab running in the background so is PC only

  • Just received my shipment. I can confirm that I received the correct suede wheel (even though the system still says 'leather'). That was good news :)

    Not looking forward to upgrading the firmware after hearing about a lot of issues for people though.

  • Aaron ScottAaron Scott Member
    edited December 2019

    yeah, if you remember correctly i pointed this out and as i did it was magiclly delayed.

    i actually knew this wouldn't work 7 months ago and why i was quick to bring it up, but i had to wait for this configuration in order to have it work this much or id of been torching these halfjobbers for that too.

    i also brought this up again and my posts were deleted,

    Whatever, 🤷‍♂️

    they have like 20 products spread acroos 3 platform with firmware /drivers littered across the board. they sell all of them under false pretenses as none of them work as they advertise.

    Honestly i could care less though as long as i get what I need out of them.

    Fanatec has the rope, what they do with it now is their business.

  • Aaron ScottAaron Scott Member
    edited December 2019

    August 8

    Hi DroorS,

    I am responding to you in a new thread because $#@%#$ has requested to be removed from this conversation.

    With regards to sending you a round rim for testing purposes, I don't think this was ever a possibility. Our ClubSport and Podium rims are built to a very high standard and have already been fully tested.

    Best regards,

    i knew in July actually ,

    this was a lie or he was lying when he told me he tested them, then i got something really disturbing from a customer rep, and is why im insulted to this day.

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