Problem with payment by VISA card

Hi fanatec and everyone. I hope to be as understandable as possible, but I don't speak English (I'm Italian).

I'm trying to buy the Forza Motorport bundle from around 3 days, but I can't complete the payment.

Once I have entered the details of my VISA card, the site redirects me as usual to entering the PIN code that arrives on my mobile, because my card is managed by the NEXI system.

After entering the pin, I proceed to complete the order but, instead of confirming the payment, I am redirected to the previous page on the Fanatec website, without completing the payment and forcing me to re-enter the credentials of the card.

It becomes impossible to complete this order.

I tried to contact you both on your site, either via email at, or on your facebook page, but I had no answer.


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