Fanatec Driver 443 (Beta) for CSL, CSW and Podium WB (all wheels)



  • @Maurice Böschen

    Do I remember you saying something about using FEI 90 until fixed in the new drivers?

    Ok to go to 100 using a CSL DD now or is that fix in the next drivers?


  • edited July 2022
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    No, you remember wrong, I never said anything like that...

    There is no known issue with FEI.

  • Does drivehub with CSW v2 still work with these included firmawares on XsX and PS5?

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    I think the Manufacturers forum is maybe not the right place to ask that as such tools are not officially supported.

    Maybe it's better to ask that on Reddit or Drivehubs support site?

    But I personally dont think that a firmware update can ever break the compatibility.

  • Hello there!

    I want to state a problem I have the current days. So, with driver 442 it was all working perfect, not that now it doesn't but last days I have a problem with my base. It disconnects while playing only in ps5 NOT on pc..My solution for now is to unplug and plug the usb and then is stops disconnecting for a while. I have already updated to 443 driver but it does the same..That is my only problem and I would like to know if there is a possibility to be a driver's problem (I do not think so because on pc is not disconnecting) or something else??

    Thanks in advance!



    DRIVER: 443

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    Of course, but their forum haven't worked for months, although DH get updates all the time. And I would had bought new base already long time a ago, but this recent situation with CSL/Podium wheelbases doesn't really give trust to buy any of them now, seems that majority of new bases are faulty. Sad thing is that so, 'cause my CSW v2 is worked w/out any issues all these years from beginning, so why would I buy base which could have very high faulty-procentage.

    So that's why DH is needed tool in this situation and those guys are really modern day's robin hoods.

  • edited July 2022
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    You know the qty of units sold and the qty of defective units to say that "the majority of new bases are faulty" and "could have very high faulty-procentage"?

    The real faulty-percentage I am sure is actually very low when you compare units sold with defective units. Of course the reports of defective units is higher than on other bases but that's normal because the quantity of sold units is also (much) higher I would bet. And people without issues dont report...

    There is not more risk to buy a Base now compared to let's say end of the year or so.

    The Emperor would just say: "Do it!".

  • I have Driver 439 installed, but want to install 443. Do I need to uninstall that one first before installing 443?

  • edited July 2022
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    I always uninstall an old driver, install the new driver, restart the PC and then update the Firmwares, yes.

    BTW, all with the Base powered on.

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    Awesome thanks! Interesting though that you do it all with the base on. Is there a reason for that?

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    Yes. Only with the Base powered on it's ensured that Windows will install the USB device driver correctly.

    If you install with the base powered off and you then start the base afterwards and open the UI then very often the device did not got properly installed and you get an error message to reinstall the device.

  • edited July 2022

    odd bug to report.

    If i start the base (dd1) with no wheel on it,

    • i get a popup screen saying that my "QR Update Failed"
    • and that I need to "turn base off."
    • then the ITM screen goes blank.

    If I turn it off and attach a wheel then turn it back on I do not get this error popup screen and the device works normallly.

    PCD 443



    WQR. 6

    Fanalab 1.65

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    Good info. Thanks a lot!

  • hello good

    first thanks for the work you do with the new driver 443, update right now and no problem dd1ps4 and ring porsche 911GT3 R all correct.

    a couple of hours in iracing and all right.

    Thanks a greeting

  • edited July 2022
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    I was able to go back to 443 and my base, BME, shifter and pedals work now. I tried to do my McLaren v1 wheel again and the base freezes with the power light blinking like it’s updating. I tried the wheel recovery but it keeps trying to update it as a formula v2 wheel. I can start my wheel with the BME and everything works fine but once I put the McLaren wheel on the firmware manager cannot see my wheel base anymore.

    Am I missing a pin on my McLaren V1 quick release?

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  • For what it's worth the manual update procedure from v.440 to v.442 I implemented had no negative effects. Simply doing the WB, then the wheel itself, then the pedals worked just fine.

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    Yes, of course. That's not the issue.

    It happened almost randomly even with previous drivers: in F1 2021 for example with some drivers (like 429) every button was recognized, with some others (like 432) some buttons were not recognized...

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    Sounds like a hardware connection issue and you should contact the support.

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    good question... I've to check it

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    no way.

    the base and the 2 wheels I have, with the 429 driver, are working perfectly with F1 2020, F1 2021, F1 22, PC2, and Assetto Corsa... why I would have to to contact the support? And to say them what? 'hey my hadware works perfectly with all the 5 games I play, just with the lastest BETA driver 2 buttons in F1 22 are not working'?

    what do you think they'll say to me?😁

    back serious, I think it's a game issue. Codemaster doesn't check or implement every beta drivers compatbility, so some buttons come and go changing the dirver version... Last year, for the first weeks after the release F1 2021 was not even fully compatible with the CSL DD (no matter what driver)...

    An hadware connection or it works or it doesn't, it doesn change from working or not working changing driver or game, plus in the control panel every buttons works, it's just an in game problem.

    It could even be the damned steam input (I didn't disabled it, still): in my humble experience it casuse a lot of stupid missfunctiong...

    I'll do another couple of test...

  • edited July 2022
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    I confirm that the problem was the damned Steam Input (it mess up with almost every game) in the steam controller options of the game.😤

    I disabled that, reinstalled driver 443, every button work fine in the control panel AND in the game, now...!🤩

  • edited July 2022

    Po aktualizaci na 443. Ztratila DD1 temer FFB. Cejtím minimální odpor :-/  Cítím max 20% FFB. Ruce mi jdou úplně do X v zatačkách.

    After updating to 443. She lost DD1 almost FFB. I feel minimal resistance :-/ I feel max 20% FFB. My hands go completely X in the turns.

    iRacing game

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    The issue wasn't with FEI it was with something else but using FEI 90 this stopped/prevented the other thing happening or reduced its detection.

    I know something was getting fixed with the new driver.

    Was it some other setting that was used at 90 and not FEI?

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    I have absolutely no idea what you mean and what could have been fixed previously by using a setting of 90.

  • Hello there!

    I want to state a problem I have the current days. So, with driver 442 it was all working perfect, not that now it doesn't but last days I have a problem with my base. It disconnects while playing only in ps5 NOT on pc..My solution for now is to unplug and plug the usb and then is stops disconnecting for a while. I have already updated to 443 driver but it does the same..That is my only problem and I would like to know if there is a possibility to be a driver's problem (I do not think so because on pc is not disconnecting) or something else??

    Thanks in advance!



    DRIVER: 443

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    Try connecting your base to the usb-c port on the ps5.

    I have the same problem, if I connect it to any other port of the ps5 I suffer disconnections...

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    Thanks a lot bud, I'll try it !

  • edited July 2022

    I yesterday updated from 439 to 443. I first updated the Firmware of the V3s. I connected the V3s again to the base, After that I did the Update for the CSL DD. Everything looked fine. I set the V§s to manual calibration and set the min/max values. Then I put the McLaren V1 on the base and updated it's firmware too. Now the clutch in the wheel properties was flickering between 0 and 100 very fast. Manual calibration was greyed out. After pushing the analog paddles on the wheel to 100% the flickering disapeared. With the McLaren V1 the switch for manual mode is still greyed out. With other wheels it is enabled.

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    I'm having this exact error on CSL DD with formula v2.0 wheel clubsport v3 pedels plugged into base I am on V440 driver F122 (I was advised to use this driver by EA support) I haven't tried this one yet, but will hold off to see if there is any other aknowledgement ? I get about half way through a race, the shifters drop out then the wheel stops working half way through. Need to do a full restart to get the shifters to work again.

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