Have noticed when I load a profile in fanalab for AMS2 the wheel display on the ITM screen defaults to 3 even when it is saved for the second one. Seems like a new issue.
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Have noticed when I load a profile in fanalab for AMS2 the wheel display on the ITM screen defaults to 3 even when it is saved for the second one. Seems like a new issue.
That's a known issue (it loads the Favorite page saved for the Base also on the BME) and will be fixed in the next version.
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SO the hotfix works for the initial non loading. I have having problems with my rev limiter lights not working in F1 2021. I have the in game setting on for Fanatec LEDs. I also notice that I keep getting a telemetry uninitialized error as well. How do I get my rev lights to work?
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SO the hotfix works for the initial non loading. I have having problems with my rev limiter lights not working in F1 2021. I have the in game setting on for Fanatec LEDs. I also notice that I keep getting a telemetry uninitialized error as well. How do I get my rev lights to work?
The in game setting for FANATEC LED needs to be turned OFF!
All you need to do is click the two green buttons in the game profile Tab in Fanalab to Enable Telemetry and there set the correct UDP Port and Enable Fanalab support.
Telemetry uninitialized is normal as F1 is only sending Telemetry when the game is running and in the foreground, when you Alt+Tab out of the game into FanaLab the game will Pause and stop sending Telemetry, therefore rhe uninitialized message is shown but this is irrelevant for your issue as your issue is that you just did not properly disabled native LED support.
I noticed the latest driver version that is mentioned as the compatiblie one for this version of Fanalab has been pulled. Can I still update Fanalab when I'm on 439 driver?
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I just got my M4 GT3 BMW wheel running PC driver 442 and wheel 8.
Somehow I can't seem to get the RevLED to register on Fanalab.
Even after enabling each individual button to be RevLED, after i click back to the previous button, the option goes back to Normal (Constant) mode.
Not too sure if i'm doing something wrong?
Thats the normal and expected behaviour as the Normal color is the color which is ALWAYS shown until the Telemetry data sends a different LED information to the wheelö (like when in game the RevLEDs go up).
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Thats the normal and expected behaviour as the Normal color is the color which is ALWAYS shown until the Telemetry data sends a different LED information to the wheelö (like when in game the RevLEDs go up).
Ok understand. Is it then a setting in ACC that I have to configure? I have tried disabling and enabling the Fanatec LED option in the game but it didn't seem to work for the RevLEDs. Saw your videos in the earlier FanaLab build but I couldnt wrap my head around the settings.
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Ok understand. Is it then a setting in ACC that I have to configure? I have tried disabling and enabling the Fanatec LED option in the game but it didn't seem to work for the RevLEDs. Saw your videos in the earlier FanaLab build but I couldnt wrap my head around the settings.
Click the two green buttons in the game profile Tab in Fanalab to Enable Telemetry and Enable Fanalab support, everything you need to do is explained there (Hint: in game Fanatec LED setting needs to be turned OFF for Fanalab LEDs to work).
In Fanalab, if you really want to use this (in my opinion useless) RevLED feature, then you need to enable this in the FanaLab LED Tab for every button and set the RPM or % value for it. Once the RPM value or % value is Hit in game rhe color of the Button LED will change accordingly as you have it Setup.
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Click the two green buttons in the game profile Tab in Fanalab to Enable Telemetry and Enable Fanalab support, everything you need to do is explained there (Hint: in game Fanatec LED setting needs to be turned OFF for Fanalab LEDs to work).
In Fanalab, if you really want to use this (in my opinion useless) RevLED feature, then you need to enable this in the FanaLab LED Tab for every button and set the RPM or % value for it. Once the RPM value or % value is Hit in game rhe color of the Button LED will change accordingly as you have it Setup.
Thanks a lot.
I'll give it a shot. Yer, the RevLED feature might not be as useful but I just thought to give it a try since I have paid for the wheel... lol. Your LED settings seem smarter to be honest.
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Waited for a newer version of Fanalab where install bug has been fixed but could not wait longer. Guess what, I got the install bug.
Fanalab crashes on start. Has been working fine before. On W10 with all updates.
There is no install Bug but only a Crash Bug and that one was fixed with the hotfix on the same day as the version was released and can be found in the first post.
Copy/Paste that exe file to the FanaLab installation Directory and it will start fine again.
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There is no install Bug but only a Crash Bug and that one was fixed with the hotfix on the same day as the version was released and can be found in the first post.
Copy/Paste that exe file to the FanaLab installation Directory and it will start fine again.
Yeah, got it to work but please try to test these before release on different systems. I know I am stating the obvious.
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For some reason my fanalab 1.63.6 tells me there is no update available. Same thing happened when I was updating it to 1.63.6 from an older version I don't remember. Am I the only one where the update button doesn't do anything besides displaying a banner telling me that I have the latest version even when I don't?
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For some reason my fanalab 1.63.6 tells me there is no update available. Same thing happened when I was updating it to 1.63.6 from an older version I don't remember. Am I the only one where the update button doesn't do anything besides displaying a banner telling me that I have the latest version even when I don't?
That's actually correct because 1.64.5 was not flagged as officially released so the update check in 1.63 is not seeing a new update.
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I hope so, its a bit annoying but can deal with it. Thanks for getting back to me.
Any idea how long till next patch ? i dont normally update to every latest version just because of the issues, this is the first time in a long time ive had an issue
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I hope so, its a bit annoying but can deal with it. Thanks for getting back to me.
Any idea how long till next patch ? i dont normally update to every latest version just because of the issues, this is the first time in a long time ive had an issue
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I have not been able to use this software since 1.54.5
I'm using a CSL Elite PS4 Wheelbase, Clubsport Steering Wheel F1 Esports, and CSL Elite Pedals with the Load Cell Kit.
No matter what I do the Tuning Menu will not show up for my wheel. It's very frustrating to not have updated game profiles. Any ideas?
What version of the driver package are you using? If it's not 439 or later, I'm guessing that might be the problem. IIRC, a lot of things were rewritten or implemented quite differently in the last couple of versions of Fanalab, making them incompatible with older drivers.
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What version of the driver package are you using? If it's not 439 or later, I'm guessing that might be the problem. IIRC, a lot of things were rewritten or implemented quite differently in the last couple of versions of Fanalab, making them incompatible with older drivers.
Currently 440. This has been an issue for over a year. I just hoped it would be resolved in a future version and stuck with Fanalab 1.54. With the release of F1 22 I was hoping to update so I could add additional game profiles.
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i am on official driver 439 and fanalab version 1.63
I have the CSL DD on the latest driver
i have the V3 Pedals and the formula v2.5 carbon all on the latest firmware available.
when i place these in pc mode fanalab recognizes everything, but when i place in comp mode fanalab doesnt see the device.
my issue is that the force feedback now feels extremely weird when in pc mode.
why doesnt fanalab recognize anything when in comp mode?
all of my games were perfect in comp mode. except for the new f122 game.
FanaLab can only recognize devices when the DRIVER recognizes the devices and when FanaLab does not recognize the devices in one mode then the issue is that the DRIVER does not detect it in that mode. You shouild do a Driver Repair with the base powered on and in the mode which does not work. Alternatively, uninstall and reinstall the driver, also with the base powered on, or alternatively try different USB ports.
But the issue is not on FanaLab but fully on the Driver / USB.
Have noticed when I load a profile in fanalab for AMS2 the wheel display on the ITM screen defaults to 3 even when it is saved for the second one. Seems like a new issue.
That's a known issue (it loads the Favorite page saved for the Base also on the BME) and will be fixed in the next version.
Good to know, cheers Maurice.
SO the hotfix works for the initial non loading. I have having problems with my rev limiter lights not working in F1 2021. I have the in game setting on for Fanatec LEDs. I also notice that I keep getting a telemetry uninitialized error as well. How do I get my rev lights to work?
The in game setting for FANATEC LED needs to be turned OFF!
All you need to do is click the two green buttons in the game profile Tab in Fanalab to Enable Telemetry and there set the correct UDP Port and Enable Fanalab support.
Telemetry uninitialized is normal as F1 is only sending Telemetry when the game is running and in the foreground, when you Alt+Tab out of the game into FanaLab the game will Pause and stop sending Telemetry, therefore rhe uninitialized message is shown but this is irrelevant for your issue as your issue is that you just did not properly disabled native LED support.
I noticed the latest driver version that is mentioned as the compatiblie one for this version of Fanalab has been pulled. Can I still update Fanalab when I'm on 439 driver?
Hi there,
I just got my M4 GT3 BMW wheel running PC driver 442 and wheel 8.
Somehow I can't seem to get the RevLED to register on Fanalab.
Even after enabling each individual button to be RevLED, after i click back to the previous button, the option goes back to Normal (Constant) mode.
Not too sure if i'm doing something wrong?
Thats the normal and expected behaviour as the Normal color is the color which is ALWAYS shown until the Telemetry data sends a different LED information to the wheelö (like when in game the RevLEDs go up).
Ok understand. Is it then a setting in ACC that I have to configure? I have tried disabling and enabling the Fanatec LED option in the game but it didn't seem to work for the RevLEDs. Saw your videos in the earlier FanaLab build but I couldnt wrap my head around the settings.
Click the two green buttons in the game profile Tab in Fanalab to Enable Telemetry and Enable Fanalab support, everything you need to do is explained there (Hint: in game Fanatec LED setting needs to be turned OFF for Fanalab LEDs to work).
In Fanalab, if you really want to use this (in my opinion useless) RevLED feature, then you need to enable this in the FanaLab LED Tab for every button and set the RPM or % value for it. Once the RPM value or % value is Hit in game rhe color of the Button LED will change accordingly as you have it Setup.
Thanks a lot.
I'll give it a shot. Yer, the RevLED feature might not be as useful but I just thought to give it a try since I have paid for the wheel... lol. Your LED settings seem smarter to be honest.
Waited for a newer version of Fanalab where install bug has been fixed but could not wait longer. Guess what, I got the install bug.
Fanalab crashes on start. Has been working fine before. On W10 with all updates.
There is no install Bug but only a Crash Bug and that one was fixed with the hotfix on the same day as the version was released and can be found in the first post.
Copy/Paste that exe file to the FanaLab installation Directory and it will start fine again.
Yeah, got it to work but please try to test these before release on different systems. I know I am stating the obvious.
Was tested on different Systems.
Can I upgrade to 164.5 now or should I wait till the updates drivers come out?
For some reason my fanalab 1.63.6 tells me there is no update available. Same thing happened when I was updating it to 1.63.6 from an older version I don't remember. Am I the only one where the update button doesn't do anything besides displaying a banner telling me that I have the latest version even when I don't?
That's actually correct because 1.64.5 was not flagged as officially released so the update check in 1.63 is not seeing a new update.
Can it be installed now? Or do we need to wait for updated drivers? Also is there an ETA for Fanalab profiles for F1 22?
thanks in advance!
This version still doesn't work for me even with the Hotfix installed.
Just updated to this version.
Have noticed game profile not saving favourite ITM display, everytime iracing loads to next session it defaults back to page 1.
Anyone else got same issue ? might revert back to older version.
Will be fixed in the next version.
I hope so, its a bit annoying but can deal with it. Thanks for getting back to me.
Any idea how long till next patch ? i dont normally update to every latest version just because of the issues, this is the first time in a long time ive had an issue
I learned to never again give any dates.
It's coming when it's coming...
I have not been able to use this software since 1.54.5
I'm using a CSL Elite PS4 Wheelbase, Clubsport Steering Wheel F1 Esports, and CSL Elite Pedals with the Load Cell Kit.
No matter what I do the Tuning Menu will not show up for my wheel. It's very frustrating to not have updated game profiles. Any ideas?
What version of the driver package are you using? If it's not 439 or later, I'm guessing that might be the problem. IIRC, a lot of things were rewritten or implemented quite differently in the last couple of versions of Fanalab, making them incompatible with older drivers.
Currently 440. This has been an issue for over a year. I just hoped it would be resolved in a future version and stuck with Fanalab 1.54. With the release of F1 22 I was hoping to update so I could add additional game profiles.
Is anyone having an issue with FanaLab not starting at Windows 11 Startup?
i am on official driver 439 and fanalab version 1.63
I have the CSL DD on the latest driver
i have the V3 Pedals and the formula v2.5 carbon all on the latest firmware available.
when i place these in pc mode fanalab recognizes everything, but when i place in comp mode fanalab doesnt see the device.
my issue is that the force feedback now feels extremely weird when in pc mode.
why doesnt fanalab recognize anything when in comp mode?
all of my games were perfect in comp mode. except for the new f122 game.
FanaLab can only recognize devices when the DRIVER recognizes the devices and when FanaLab does not recognize the devices in one mode then the issue is that the DRIVER does not detect it in that mode. You shouild do a Driver Repair with the base powered on and in the mode which does not work. Alternatively, uninstall and reinstall the driver, also with the base powered on, or alternatively try different USB ports.
But the issue is not on FanaLab but fully on the Driver / USB.