Fanatec Driver 431beta for CSL, CSW and Podium WB (all wheels)

Changelog of driver 431
Please read carefully, there are significant changes to how the Tuning Menu works.
Included firmware:
- Podium DD1 / DD2 Base: 690 (NEW)
- Podium DD1 / DD2 Motor: 42 (NEW)
- CSL DD / GT DD PRO Base: (NEW)
- CSL DD / GT DD PRO Motor: (NEW)
- CSW V1 Base: 688 (NEW)
- CSW V2 Base: 688 (NEW)
- CSW V2.5 Base: 688 (NEW)
- CSL E Base: 688 (NEW)
- CSL E Base PS4: 688 (NEW)
- CSL / CSW Motor: 22
- Podium HUB: 6
- Podium BME: 19 (NEW)
- CS SW Formula V2(X), V2.5(X): 43 (NEW)
- CS SW RS: 2 (NEW)
- CS SW BMW V2: 2 (NEW)
- CS UH V2 / UHX V2: 1 (NEW)
- CSL SW McLaren GT3 V2: 43 (NEW)
- CSL SW McLaren GT3: 33 (NEW)
- CSL UH: 3
- CS P V3: 1.32
- CSL EP LCK: 1.10
- CSL P LCK: 1.60 (NEW)
Important Changes:
New Tuning Menu "Standard Mode" is the default mode for all bases:
- In Standard Mode only essential settings are available.
- Standard Mode features only one custom setup. Advanced Mode features the usual 5 custom setups.
- In Standard Mode the range of available settings is slightly reduced to keep them within reasonable boundaries.
- Users can switch to "Advanced Mode" to unlock all settings via the driver UI or by holding the Tuning button for 3 seconds while being in the Tuning Menu.
New "Auto Setup" which is the factory default for P DD, CSL DD, GT DDPRO, CSW V2.5, CSL E WB PS4:
- Settings in Auto Setup can only be changed by the game, for example to push recommended settings.
- While in Auto Setup the user can only view the settings, but not change them.
- If the settings aren't set by the game, the factory default will be used.
- To customise settings the user can choose one of the custom setups.
Names and order of some settings in Tuning Menu adjusted for various display types:
- "APM" / "Analogue Paddle Mode" renamed to "ACP" / "Analogue Clutch Paddle Mode"
- For "FFS" the "PEAK" setting is the higher and "LINEAR" is the lower setting
- Order of the "MPS" setting adjusted
- SHO can be set to ON or OFF
- Other slight naming changes for different display types
Driver UI
- Adapted UI to new Simple/Advanced mode of Tuning Menu for supported bases
- Adapted UI to new Auto Setup of Tuning Menu for supported bases
- Fixed UI crash when using vibration test button on USB-Pedals
- Fixed UI crash with CSP V1/V2 and CSR Elite Pedals
- Fixed LED test button missing for BME on UH(X) V2
- Fixed BLI missing without CSP V3 connected (on tuning page)
- Text adjustments for hints
- Fixed crash with CSP V1 (Added to the new UI)
- Fixed Shifter tab hides when switching modes
- Fixed Mouse Emulation "Default" button only affects cursor speed
- Fixed Handbrake on Pedals via USB and Pedals via base
- Added and re-enabled MIN / MAX calibration for Handbrake when connected to base
- Added automatic check for new driver version. Notification shown in bottom left of the driver UI window if a new version is available for download
- Added image selection for chosen steering wheels: McLaren V1, McLaren V2, CSL P1 (V2)
- Added CS SW BMW V2/ CS SW RS APM recolonization
- Added Hints to the side panel
- Added "hide page" toggle to shifter page
- Improved button input indicators for: Formula V2, McLaren, P1 V2, P1 BMW, CSL UH, UHv2, UHXv2
- Improved logic for pedal pages:
- Analogue pedals or no pedals connected to WB: Pedal page will be shown by default but can be hidden via toggle switch on the pedals or settings page. (Base can't detect analogue pedals which is why they need to be shown by default)
- Pedals with load cell connected to base: "Pedals via Base" page is shown and can't be hidden.
- Pedals with load cell connected via USB: "Pedals via USB" page is shown and can't be hidden.
- Pages can be toggled to be shown again via the settings page.
- New Standard/Advanced Mode for Tuning Menu on P DD, GT DD PRO, CSW (V1, V2, V2.5) and CSL WB (1.0, 1.1, PS4)
- New Auto Setup for Tuning Menu on P DD, CSL DD, GT DD PRO, CSW V2.5 and CSL WB PS4
- Fixed problems with APM on UH(X) and PHUB on PlayStation
- Fixed mouse cursor drift in GT Sport with Universal Hubs
- CSL UH D-Pad press now works to navigate in game menus
Podium DD
- Fixed sticky feeling after motor sensor calibration
- Fixed vibration/oscillation when resting wheel in specific positions
- Fixed mode selection issue on ClubSport Universal Hub V2
- Fixed CAL icon sometimes coming back when entering and leaving Tuning Menu
- Fixed APM paddles not clearing torque messages with wheels
- Improved boot up rotation
- Fixed wrong QR detection of CSL UH
Button Module Endurance
- Fixed clearing torque message by turning wheel to 90° was not possible
- Unified how CBP is shown to match other displays
- Fixed BME pop-up message being displayed later than on the wheel base
Known Issues
- Podium wheel base jolts can happen on ITM or analysis screens of the wheel base display. A workaround is to use the default screen with “Fanatec” logo while driving. We are still working on a fix which needs an extensive re-write of the P DD firmware.
- CSL Elite WB 1.1: Positive drift mode values are missing, will be fixed in next version.
- BME: LEDs brighter than before, might be too bright for some users. Will be adjusted in v20 to the level of before. We are also considering making it adjustable in the future.
- New function to calibrate handbrake when connected to wheel base only works when also Load Cell Pedals are connected. Buttons need adding to the page for analogue pedals which is shown by default.
Compatible FanaLab Version:
Mandatory to use 1.60.6. Link in 2nd post
How to report issues:
If you report a driver or firmware issue, please make cross checks:
- Update driver and FW separately to isolate an issue and find out if caused by driver OR firmware.
- Which driver OR firmware shows the issue
- Which driver OR firmware does not show the issue
- Check if you can reproduce the issue again if you go back to the version which seems to have caused the issue
- Post the answers gathered from the questions above + a short description of the issue including the following info:
- Wheel Base Model (product ID): ...
- Steering Wheel Model (product ID): ....
- Driver Version: ....
- Base FW Version: ....
- Motor FW Version: ....
- Wheel FW Version: ....
- FanaLab Version: ....
- Driver/FanaLab installed on C: drive or else?
- With driver related issues collect log files and zip them from C:\Users\Public\Fanatec Logs
This discussion has been closed.
Compatible FanaLab Version:
Cheers Marcel 👍️
I only just flashed my CSL DD using 429 not too many moons ago. And now there is a new firmware for my base, motor and wheel too! 🙄
DD2 + mclaren v2. Updated to 431 and its firmwares.
Just had a strange issue in ACC. Single player practice session, I ran out of fuel and selected return to garage. And then when I was in the menu, the wheel started to turn slowly by itself to to the right, it stopped when the wheel made about two turns. When I try to move it back to left it makes spring resistance (not too hard), but when I let it go it goes to the right again.
In short it was feeling like center is on 1080 degree right and spring is activated.
ACC has been updated recently and I dont know if this is driver/firmware issue or it may be some game bug.
I'm not able to update my firmware on my DD2 and Podium button module endurance. Doesn't seem to load the actual firmware updating process. Fails after loading for quite some time. Here's the log.
I'm currently on the 41a test firmware from the previous 429 Driver. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling already with no luck. Any ideas too fix this?
Thanks for the frequent updates and improvements Marcel!
Did you uninstall the old driver from your PC, making sure the folder is deleted, reboot, before installing the new driver?
I did not, I'll give that a shot.
That worked! Thank you for the help.
Cheers! That was quick!
Thats a game issue where sometimes the game sends FFB when you are in the menus, had this several times already and only in ACC.
I play almost only ACC for two years. I dont remember having such issue before. Today it happened twice for one hour. This clearly indicates something with new version of ACC and Fanatec drivers (both from today). Unfortunately I cannot rollback ACC version. So later will return to older Fanatec drivers/firmwares and will report back.
Hi guys, unfortunately my csl dd base hung up when trying to install the latest fanatec driver 431, it can no longer be switched off using the power button and only lights up red. I also can't select any profiles in the menu.
how can you reset the csl dd ???
please help
My csl dd is running again, it is my mclaren gt3 v2 that cannot be updated. ??
Do you swap your wheels often? The contact point between the McLaren V2 and CSL DD base is known to have issues.
Rolling back to driver 427 (and firmwares) fixed my problem with ACC.
I very recently bought Fanatec hardware so please bear in mind I do not know what things were with the drivers before. I started with 429 and was just about to ask for help when I saw 431 but upgrading did not help much.
Wheel Base Model: CSL DD
Steering Wheel Model: Universal Hub V2 for Xbox + Podium Button Module Endurance
Pedals: CSP V3 (plugging them directly or via USB does not solve my problem)
Driver Version: 431
Base FW Version:
Motor FW Version:
Wheel FW Version: Hub 1, PBME 19
FanaLab Version: 1.60.6
Driver installed on C:\Program Files\Fanatec\Fanatec Wheel
FanaLab installed on C:\Program Files (x86)\Fanatec\FanaLab
I have two problems with my set-up:
1. The PBME Revlights do not work in any game but the side LEDs for flags, TC, ABS etc. do work fine in games. Also, the display works perfectly in games. It’s just the RPM LEDs that don’t. They are technically functional (not a usb-c connection problem) but sadly, even after using the added missing ‘RevLeds Test’ button in the ‘Steering Wheel’ tab of the 431 driver it only lights up the side flag leds, not the RPM ones. Surpisingly, if I go to Windows Game Controllers applet, click any of the two ‘Fanatec Wheel’ controllers, click Cancel to stay in the legacy driver and click ‘Steering Wheel Leds test’ button on ‘Function Test’ tab the RevLeds light up fine but the side flag leds do not. I'm going crazy.
I have FanaLab set up properly and tried every combination of settings but for the life of me the RevLeds won’t work in any game. Telemetry has to be working since in game evens like: flags, ABS, TC, lockups, etc. trigger the side LEDs and the display also shows game stuff right.
I was going to write all my testing and findings in Fanalab thread but now with driver 431 and addition of the half-working Led test I believe this is not Fanalab software but rather a driver/firmware issue.
Is there a good soul here to help my understand why this is not working properly?
2. The PBME display and LEDs are super-nova bright. Driving a night race at night real-life hours in a dark room literally blinds my sight. I had to stick white insulating tape on the screen and leds to dim them because there is no brightness adjustment - which I totally cannot understand. I see the brightness is being worked on, though and hopefully a fix will arrive with v20 hub FW.
I used to have a Thrustmaster TS-PC wheel before and had no problems setting up FanaLEDs software and modify Revlights behaviour in it and adjust LEDs brightness (both in driver and in Fanaleds). Having paid over twice as much for Fanatec set-up I cannot do any of the above in neither the driver nor Fanalab. This is disappointing.
If I were to downgrade the drivers for testing - what is the lowest version supporting my set-up? CSL DD is pretty new so I assume it might be v42x?
my dd 1 dont work anymore after update. help please
Driver UI crash with CSW V2 base & Formula carbon wheel
When you open Fanatec Control Panel at first, everything is ok. After you open it next time, the Fanatec Control Panel crash all the time utill reboot your computer.
You have to contact the support, your base died.
Your Base is too old. It does not support the Tuning Menu in the Driver UI.
Thanks, It means I have to hold the Tuning button for 3 seconds for Advanced mode. Ui crashed is still exist, but hardwares work fine.
Podium Racing Wheel F1 (DD1)
ClubSport Handbrake V1.5 (connected to base)
No Fanatec pedals
Latest driver / firmwares
Handbrake don´t work anymore, not at all.
You should provde the Logs then please. I just tried it myself and the UI is working fine with my CSWv2 so its not a general issue but something on your side is broken...
Good morning Maurice, i have a little problem, namely sw 41 is displayed in the driver for my mclaren gt3 v2 and sw 33 (for the mclaren gt3) on the mclaren gt3 v2 wheel what can i do?
Hi - should this update fix the issue with the Indicator coming on automatically in GT Sport on a DD1 with GT3 Rim & PBE?
here is my problem
tried it with older drivers, nothing works. ???
and caution please update the firmware flashes in the display