Can´t Log In to my account

Problem started something like 36 hours ago.
Tried different browsers and also from different network, same prob.
Maby this have something to do with that stupid snowball hunt? Lottery would be more reasonable than making stress test to your website by offering ONE working code/area for each day!
Forgot to say that I´m at Europe.
I could Log In to forum from bottom of page "Log In".
Already contacted webshop by email.
Same here and fully agree
I'm in AU, also been down for the last few days, same error for me.
Saw others on reddit say it works after refreshing a heap, but for me it doesn't resolve.
I had the same issues recently (AU Site) and did the following to have it worked again.
1) Open an elevated (Admin Priv) command shell "CMD" in windows
2) Type the command line "ipconfig /flushdns" without quotes to clear your local dns register and have browser reload as needed.
3) Go into your browser options and "Clear your Cookies and Site data for".
4) Wait until usage drops or they fix the issue and problem resolves.
Thanks for tip but didn´t help.
Still can´t Log In to my account (EU-EN)
I switced to german language and now I can Log In.
Why EU-EN do not work?
dunno, for me it does work tho. maybe they other country servers are falling apart
Today got answer from support by e-mail that seems problem is solved because I manged to make order.
Yes, I placed order at EU-DE server but still can´t Log In at EU-EN
I live at Finland.
At day when Snowballhunt begun I searched it multiple times from all EU-EN Fanatec web pages and also at next day.
Maby system thought it´s traffic attack and blocked my mac-adress.
Could You please reset those blocks so I can Log In again, surely I can learn some german but english would be more easier 😉
If You´re not interested to fix this kind of problems then I have to say nothing is changed by times of Thomas...
I suspect your spot on with your assumption with our accounts being blocked for hitting the webshop too often (As I did), not long after I posted my comment here, I too was unable to access my account on the AU-EN Fanatec webshop and still can't with my old account, I made a new account just to get back on here.
I have contacted Fanatec support and got a report on the 17-12-2024.
"Your request (2008014054) has been updated." as to being looked into, and now 31-12-2024 account is still not working.
I too have finally been hit with the poor customer support that everyone else has talked about.
Well I don´t create new account, if Fanatec don´t repair this problem it´s end of my customership.
I spent thousands of euros at last few years, they don´t even bother comment this issue even if they monitor this forum at nowdays.
Ditto, not get old account back, no more purchases.
Call them mirror people, always looking into it.
Got my account back at today👍
Works as before but "My products" is empty, however I can see all my orders.
Contacted webshop and also Corsair management, maby that helped 😉
Thanks for the heads up, mine is back today also, with the same exceptions.
The "My products" page turned up also, just have to scroll down further on the page to see them, so I entered my serial numbers why I was there for future support.
Thanks to Corsair / Fanatec for fixing My account issue, even though it took 3 weeks but taking into account the Christmas season and holidays and all.
Same here, found "My products" 🙂