Shop Malfunction (hacked???)

edited December 2024 in Forum / Site Feedback

I have a big problem with my fanatec account: As soon as I log in to my account there are Articles in my basket that I did not put there.

After deleting the articles from the basket the hint is dipslayed that the basket is empty. When I logout and re-login again the same 30 articles are reappearing.

I changed the password without any effect.

For me there are two possibilites: 1. There is a HUGE malfunction in the FANATEC online shop or 2. there FANATEC shop has been hacked!!!

@Fanatec Support: please resolve the issue immediately because this prevents me to order any "own" new articles and scares me very much!!!


  • edited December 2024

    You were not hacked, Fanatec was not hacked. That's just a known webshop Bug which apparently cant be fixed as it's happening for years already. So a solution wont be here immediately, maybe even never with this webshop but only once the long promised new webshop finally launches at some point in the future.

  • Worst explanation ever, "cant be fixed"... oo, what??

  • edited December 2024

    Thank you @Maurice. Is there a workaround to get rid of these behaviour? Does this mean that my account has to be deleted or is there a possibility for the FANATCE support to fix this? Bceause I assume this is happening only for a few accounts.

    I would like to order something from the shop but my account is unusable because of this flaws!!!

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    I was always a big fan of FANATEC although it was very hard for cusomers in the last year regarding delivery delays and all the bad news.

    But now I'm really starting to think about a change to another sim racing brand! I cannot accept your response to my initial post and also the fact that nobody cares at FANATEC about my problem. I wanted to order the new Racnhg wheel but am not able to because immediately after login there are several articles in my basket that I didn't put there. Even if I delete them before odering: who says that I don't get all the ghost items delivered?

    I also sent an email to the FANATEC support a few days ago without any response !!! Hard to say but enough is enough. I'm sure you have a workaround for this problem or some forther hints but it seems that you want me to keep this problem and stay away from FANATEC in the future!

    It is really a shame and absolutely unacceptable !

  • edited December 2024
    This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.

    Just delete the items before you put your order. You wont get charged for the "ghost" items and you also wont get them delivered, but even when you would get them delivered, you would get them for free as you wont get charged for them.

    It is just a webshop bug which can be workarounded by the customers by just deleting the items from the basket, it is really nothing dramatic. This webshop bug cant be fixed immediately when it couldnt get fixed in years. There is a completely new webshop planned for next year with a completely different structure behind it so in that new webshop the issue definitely wont happen but in this old webshop the issue is apparently not fixable. If that is too much of an issue for you, then I am sorry but I cant help you and nobody else cant help you...

  • Thank you very much @Maurice, THIS ist an explantation I can live with when I know that this bug is just annoying but harmless. When I heard that there is no solution for me I had to think that my account is useless now.

    Thank you!

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