account deactivity

I cannt login my account. It shows me like this and the fedex cancel the delivery. I tried to connect with the support team by the cannect form but it has been more than 24 hours and I still didnt receive the reply. How can I active my account? the email on the account is
I had the same thing happen just the other day. I did finally get a response from someone that my PayPal email address didn't match the email I registered with here. Created a new account with the same PayPal email but it still isn't working. I'm literally trying to give them a pile of cash and nothing is working on their site.
Yes and it has been one week but I still didnt receive any reply :(
ha this is weird as f, i can't even use anymore my main email in PayPal because simply i not have anymore access for that in PayPal for years now, almost everyday some surprise me in here, because something like this never happened before