Fanatec dd extreme not working

Fanatec DD extreme wheel and base is not working at all dead. the power switch on the base will not light up. The only thing is the four lights on the wheel light up, but nothing is working cannot use the wheel at all . I have tried connecting it to a PC nothing. Where do I go from here?
Thrustmaster released the next direct drive t598, im not really they fan but they customer support is mega fast
i been contact also with Moza for some development needs, they been answer back with one day as well.
Cammus, dunno that thing looks ood.
logitech, enter also direct drive market, im quessin they soon may release some cheaper version as well
i to also want buy the dd extreme but i'm little scared now because off all kind off different issues what they have
worst scenario is that they constantly tell , no eta, or anytime soon, it makes so hard buy product what is not fully finish
"Where do I go from here?"
dunno, maybe back to the Logitech G29, if expensive hardware fails like this who else trust then
Are you possibly on meth?
what else i would say to him? should i take some sort happy pill
there are difference if issue happen only one time or it happens constantly with hardware
if you not get, when user buys a product. he want start play games with that, not start play some customer support stuff
How about just "Contact Support"
yeah, i'm guessing randomly really that he already try that
you know what they say about assumptions.
Plus, not everyone can just go out and buy a new wheelbase....
well that's true
but he say
"Where do I go from here?"
i'm guessing what he means is that he already give up, or we have very bad google translator
Ive come to learn to take things at face value, and dont assume anything. Usually people say they have reached out to support and either not got a reply, or got the auto response but nothing else.
And your constant random ramblings really dont help....
Fanatec dd extreme not working
Guys I have contacted customer support and have not heard back for them. I have searched the web for a fix and all I have found is a lot of people having problems with this wheel and base. I purchased this wheel and base three months ago and at least once a week have had problems with it . You are right I can not afford to by another one . I paid $1369.00 for this one . Were do I go from here means I have tried everything and cannot get it fixed .Just looking for some help. I going to try customer support again. Maybe I should 've kept my logitech g29 .
we cant help you, it sound like some-part you base is dead
what you could todo is unplug your pedals and then try.
Typical from you, you didn't answer the question. Just trying to figure out what is wrong with you. I didn't want to assume or guess like you frequently do just to add another useless post.
Nice wheel, hopefully it works for a few months
update on my dd extreme wheel and base not working. My power supply lights up, the wheelbase power button will not light up but when I do push the base switch the wheel lights come on and display screen will for a couple of seconds that's all it will do. I have contacted Fanatec Support and told them and also sent them a video of what it's doing. this has been going on for better then three weeks now. Bought it back in July on 2024 it a dd extreme 1300 + dollars I can't give up yet. It has a one-year warranty. BACK TO USING MY OLD G29 I have had it for many years with no problems.
Fanatec sent me a new wheel and base after 4 months, I am not even going to open the box .
think I will just sale it.