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Ich will keine Sammelklage, sondern mein DD+! Des Weiteren möchte ich das es Fanatec weiterhin gibt! Sie haben das Simracing erst dort hingebracht wo es heute ist, beziehungsweise waren maßgeblich daran beteiligt. Für alle die Fanatec nutzen wäre es auch toll wenn die Firma hindurch nicht zerstört wird. Hoffen woran auf eine baldige positive Lösung oder Lieferung der Ware.
I don't want a class action, but my DD+! Furthermore, I would like Fanatec to continue to exist! They only brought the simracing to where it is today, or were significantly involved in it. For all those who use Fanatec, it would also be great if the company was not destroyed. Hope for an early positive solution or delivery of the goods.
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But this is really the question.. Is it a chip, piece of hardware delivered by Sony or a software certificate, Fanatec has to implement.. Nevertheless we could accuse Fanatec for the bad communication with release date and actual situation, but i think Sony made the biggest mistake in this case.. they send Chips, Certifiate, API Access or whatever to a partner, who has the official DD Pro since 2 years on the market, is also the lead sponsor for GT World 2023, and didn't have a plan, how to give a positiv signal to the market.. they introduce a new security chip (or whatever), didn't give any information to the latest news to the customer, and the first providing Company earns a big internet bash.. So i think, other companys like Moza, Asptek, Simcube.. won't device to get a license for their products from Sony, as they see at the moment, how Sony handles these problems..
If it’s a question on “if it’s an actual chip” I watched boosted media do a review on the DD and DD+ a couple months ago.
During the partial tear down, I did see the chip with the Sony name on the circuit board. On the regular DD the socket on the board is empty.
Im sure Sony sent those chips for installation. This final approval process I have no idea on procedures of PlayStation testing for compatibility and or software on Sonys side. I just hope that the base Sony received is working flawlessly
Think we are all becoming like mushrooms “They keep us in the dark and feed us shit”.
sorry still trying to find a little humor here forgive me
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Ich will keine Sammelklage, sondern mein DD+! Des Weiteren möchte ich das es Fanatec weiterhin gibt! Sie haben das Simracing erst dort hingebracht wo es heute ist, beziehungsweise waren maßgeblich daran beteiligt. Für alle die Fanatec nutzen wäre es auch toll wenn die Firma hindurch nicht zerstört wird. Hoffen woran auf eine baldige positive Lösung oder Lieferung der Ware.
I don't want a class action, but my DD+! Furthermore, I would like Fanatec to continue to exist! They only brought the simracing to where it is today, or were significantly involved in it. For all those who use Fanatec, it would also be great if the company was not destroyed. Hope for an early positive solution or delivery of the goods.
A class action suit wouldn't be about destroying Fanatec, it would be about ensuring their customers are compensated properly and Fanatec not getting unfair advantage for their incompetent, neglecting or malicious behaviour. That being said, I think it would be in best interest of all parties if Fanatec just made it right by themselves.
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That's not an option is it? You don't generally have to update firmware to play on console. It will usually work right out of the box on console. I don't think I had to update my DD pro to work on PS5 at first.
Thats not what i said, nor meant.
i said the functionality of the PS could be permanently disabled via firmware so it could still be sold. Much like Apple has had to do with their latest watch in the USA with the blood oxygen monitor in order to be allowed to sell it.
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@Fanatec @james i ordered on black friday(November 22), My order is still processing.So When my order will be send?
Dear Katarzyna,
your order will be released once the QR2 Wheel-Side is back in stock. You can find regular updates on the availability date for this product under the “Orders” tab in your customer account.
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I've heard of all the massive delays in people receiving their orders. I wanted to order the DD Pro Gran Turismo wheel and pedal combo. Does anyone know if the delays are across the board om all products or only specific ones?
Hi Ricardo,
we understand your concern. However, if you order a product right now that is in stock and shows as available on our website, it will be processed within the given time frame.
I wanted to ask for help in clarifying the situation regarding my order 1827606 dated 11/24/2023 (included clubsport DD , non DD+). Still haven't received any information.
Although a later order dated 11/26/2023 appeared today indicating that it would be delivered tomorrow
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your order will be released once the QR2 Wheel-Side is back in stock. You can find regular updates on the availability date for this product under the “Orders” tab in your customer account.
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your order will be released once the QR2 Wheel-Side is back in stock. You can find regular updates on the availability date for this product under the “Orders” tab in your customer account.
Your Fanatec Team
@james when I click my orders tab, it gives me no update on expected stock availability dates. All I see is "Handed over to warehouse" status "Open". What am I missing?
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I have this on preorder, and I'm upset about this whole fiasco, but I think what's even worse is having an order from November still in limbo! Order #1822434 from November 23rd is still yet to be shipped. No updates, no response to emails, and all of it was in stock at time of order and none of it went out of stock at any point in the US webshop between then and now. Even more infuriating is the fact that I've ordered things is December as well, but at full price, and they were all shipped in reasonable time, and I have those two orders in hand already. What is going on, are you guys just flat out not shipping old orders anymore?
@James @Fanatec
What about this order? If you are going to help one person with their outstanding unfulfilled order, help everyone. I'm still waiting on any sort of reply for this issue.
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What this update says is that in about two weeks they'll give us another update, NOT that we'll have resolution of the issue. That is in fact completely unknown at this point. Why this process takes so damn long from Sony is beyond me, but let's not forget that our dealings were NEVER with Sony, it was with Fanatec, who gave us an arbitrary availability date to collect our money and now act like this is all on Sony, when they in fact should have never started selling the product without final approval. Why isn't there a class action on this already is beyond me.
No! What it says is there will Definitely NOT be an approval within 2 weeks. That takes us to week beginning 5th February. 1st business week of the month 👍🏻
now where the speculation starts is,
do fanatec have a time frame from Sony ?
is the February preorder date just more guessing from fanatec ?
none of us know & we are all waiting for the DD+ , hopefully fanatec will give us all a little sweetener for the delays
I'm just gonna say this for the optimistic poeple. 60ishhh days in the BF order nightmare, I just gave up. I'm very optimistic in life and I like to give a chance to come clean when shit happens. But now ? Do you really believe in miracles because this is what you guys need.
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I sent them this message yesterday and would like to think this among many other messages prompted this update. Keep the pressure on them to be transparent. I sold my DD Pro at the end of November and have been without a wheel. This is terrible.
Message sent on 1/18:
Please provide a status update on my order placed in October 2023.
My original preorder availability date for the DD+ was December 12, 2023.
It was later moved to December 27, 2023 I believe.
After communication surrounding delays with Sony approval the date was moved to January 17,2024.
Sometime between January 10 and January 15 the due date was pushed to January 10/2024.
This messaging is misleading. For you to provide messaging that you are unsure when the Sony approval will happen (perhaps sometime mid January) and then update the date to the 17th and then bump it up to the 10th provides false hope and some sort of understanding that there has been an update it the approval. It makes no sense to have these updates after already making the communication known that you're not sure when approval will happen.
Today 1/18 there is no form of communication still. Nothing has shipped. You have over $1,000 of my money since October.
As per my previous communication, some form of compensation, reimbursement, or Fanatec credit / coupon is in order in addition to an updated order status. You have falsely advertised a product, received my money, and proceeded lack communication over the issue. Please spare me the generic response you've been instructed to submit. If necessary escalate this as I would like an authentic reply which explains what is going on with the availability date listed on your site. Is it a placeholder because the system needs something? Is it based on anything at all or just an arbitrary number that allows your system to work?
I sent them the same kind of email, only to be told my order has been cancelled and a refund will be issued, I promptly replied back with, i never asked for a refund as a refund is no good to me, I need the parts that are in the first order as they have delivered the second part of the order already, with out the first one I might as well throw away the second order. This was a week ago and I've not heard back nor received a refund. In total I have probably spent over the years more than 5k on all there equipment, never had issues in the past but this takes the P#SS.
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You keep bumping your gums, telling everyone for weeks that you are leaving this forum and going to a competitor. Yet hear you are again with nothing constructive to add as usual.
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I am not leaving, nor have I said so. but I tell others to leave. that is an important difference.
but someone with a weak mind can hardly understand what is read.
@James Please ban this guy.. Please..
I'm one of the original Preorder customers and am very keen that the communication on the issues is kept up and please be honest with us as to timelines.
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I'm one of the original Preorder customers and am very keen that the communication on the issues is kept up and please be honest with us as to timelines.
it seems like we're on the same team, but you're giving me shit.
what a moron you are.
apparently James should ban you too because you're boring them. but why? because you paid for something with your money, which they keep, and you did not receive the goods.
but you are too stupid to understand what my function is there, as well as several of us who persistently push this crap from the FanaSCAM company to work properly. only when it works properly can we leave them alone. Until then, they owe us a lot.
maybe the reason could be that the PS5pro have a new SecurityChip inside and to get it for the upcoming PS5pro compatible they have to test some things...
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Yes post a video, I dont understand your issue at all.
Nothing gets deleted by itself and the Xbox mode should be available and working (of course only on Xbox, not on PC) when you use Firmware or older.
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There are only two instances in your log files that show Xbox mode ever working, they are as follows:
As soon as you updated Firmware Version Wheel Base from v1.1.5.5 to no more XBox mode detection until it was combined with Driver V455.
Can't explain differences in Device Product ID and Wheel Type.
If your installing the Fanatec Tray Utility, don't, it has been known to causes issues, I had problems with it when I first installed my setup.
Whilst against my better judgement and it is very risky, I can't take any responsibility for adverse effects. I would try a Driver roll back to say v440 so you can achieve a similar FW revisions history as the below v452 example with FW in BOLD as most important.
1) Driver v452 with the following Firmware revisions:
FWMNGR: Device Product ID: 32
FWMNGR: Device Name: System.Char[]
FWMNGR: Device Type: 1
FWMNGR: Firmware Version Wheel Base: Status:0
FWMNGR: Wheel Type: 17
FWMNGR: Base Type: 10
FWMNGR: Steering Wheel Type: 11
FWMNGR: Pedal Type: 2
FWMNGR: Shifter State: 2
FWMNGR: Firmware Version Rim: Status:0
FWMNGR: Firmware Version Motor Major: Status:0
FWMNGR: Firmware Version WQR: Status:0
2) Driver v455 with the following Firmware revisions:
FWMNGR: Device Product ID: 4
FWMNGR: Device Name: System.Char[]
FWMNGR: Device Type: 1
FWMNGR: Firmware Version Wheel Base: Status:0
FWMNGR: Wheel Type: 13
FWMNGR: Base Type: 10
FWMNGR: Steering Wheel Type: 11
FWMNGR: Pedal Type: 2
FWMNGR: Shifter State: 2
FWMNGR: Firmware Version Rim: Status:0
FWMNGR: Firmware Version Motor Major: Status:0
FWMNGR: Firmware Version WQR: Status:0
FWMNGR: TimerRimChange_Tick waiting for device arrival...
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If you report a driver or firmware issue, please make cross checks:
Update driver and FW separately to isolate an issue and find out if caused by driver OR firmware.
Which driver OR firmware shows the issue
Which driver OR firmware does not show the issue
Check if you can reproduce the issue again if you go back to the version which seems to have caused the issue
Check if the issue is related to specific settings of for example the tuning menu. Is it happening more or less with a specific setting raised or lowered?
Post the answers gathered from the questions above + a short description of the issue including the following info:
Wheel Base Model (product ID): ...
Steering Wheel Model (product ID): ....
Driver Version: ....
Base FW Version: ....
Motor FW Version: ....
Wheel FW Version: ....
FanaLab Version: ....
Tuning Menu settings
Driver/FanaLab installed on C: drive or else?
With driver related issues collect log files and zip them from C:\Users\Public\Fanatec Logs
Changelog of driver 455 (since 454)
Firmware versions included
Podium DD1 / DD2 Base: (NEW)
Podium DD1 / DD2 Motor:
Podium DD1 / DD2 WQR: 7
ClubSport DD(+) Base: (NEW)
ClubSport DD(+) WQR:
CSW V1 Base: 693
CSW V2 Base: 693
CSW V2.5 Base: 693
CSL Elite Base: 693
CSL Elite Base PS4: 693
CSL / CSW Motor: 22
Podium BMW M4 GT3: 9
Podium Hub: 6
• Podium BME: 24
Podium BMR:
CS SW Formula V2(X), V2.5(X): 47
CS SW F1 Esports V2: 5
CS UH V2 / UHX V2: 2
CSL Elite SW McLaren GT3: 37
CSL Elite SW McLaren GT3 V2: 47
CSL Elite SW WRC: 4
CS P V3: 1.35
CSL Elite Pedals V2: 1.6
CSL Elite Pedals Load Cell Kit: 1.13
CSL Pedals Load Cell Kit: 1.8
CS USB Adapter - Handbrake: 1.10
CS USB Adapter - Shifter: 1.12
CS USB Adapter - CSL Pedals: 1.1
CS USB Adapter - CSL Elite Pedals: 0.1
Control Panel + Firmware Manager
Fixed installation issues.
Fixed USB Pedals getting disabled in the Windows Device Manager after driver installation.
Fixed crashes of the Control Panel when no public Fanatec Log folder is available on the PC.
Fixed not-working Tuning Menu after continuous mode changes.
Fixed buttons still being shown as pressed in the UI after a mode change was done via button combination on the wheel with the UI open.
Fixed old Legacy wheels missing the Joystick Input Indicator in Standard Tuning Menu.
Fixed APM Clutch input is not displayed on the Steering Wheel page after restart.
Fixed Firmware Manager not coming back after manual Steering Wheel Firmware update.
Fixed wrong QR Firmware version is shown after updating the QR which triggered another update loop.
Added additional check to avoid incorrect update order of the Podium DD.
Other minor improvements.
Tray App Version (optional installation)
Latest version of Fanatec App on Android/iOS (V0.1.12+103 or newer) required as well.
Fixed ITM in the Mobile App not working in iRacing.
Fixed FanaLab telemetry in F1 23 not working when the TrayApp is running as well.
Added automatic check for new Firmware versions for the CS DD(+) and the USB Adapter.
Other minor improvements.
ClubSport DD(+) Firmware Improvements
Fixed wheel does not return back to center after base boot.
BMW M4 GT3 Firmware Improvements
Fixed green MPS positions 5-12 are pulsing in MPS Constant Mode.
Fixed green MPS positions 5-12 are missing inputs in MPS Pulse Mode.
Button Module Rally Improvements
Fixed Firmware versions being shown in the OLED every time you re-attach the Wheel.
Fixed Clutch Bite Point (CBP) value not shown in the OLED.
Fixed Tuning Menu not closing on ClubSport Universal Hubs.
Known Issues
When entering a game menu while driving it can happen in some games that the FFB effect doesn't get canceled which results in the wheel turning to one side. (this got now fixed for the Podium DD but can still happen on the CSL DD. We will now apply the fix for the CSL DD as well)
Natural friction can start to feel weird after some time of driving. In case you experience issues with NFR, we suggest to turn it OFF for now. (this got now fixed for the Podium DD but can still happen on the CSL DD. We will now apply the fix for the CSL DD as well)
The steering input jump issue was greatly improved so the issue happens a lot less than before. Full fix expected for one of the next versions.
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Ich will keine Sammelklage, sondern mein DD+! Des Weiteren möchte ich das es Fanatec weiterhin gibt! Sie haben das Simracing erst dort hingebracht wo es heute ist, beziehungsweise waren maßgeblich daran beteiligt. Für alle die Fanatec nutzen wäre es auch toll wenn die Firma hindurch nicht zerstört wird. Hoffen woran auf eine baldige positive Lösung oder Lieferung der Ware.
I don't want a class action, but my DD+! Furthermore, I would like Fanatec to continue to exist! They only brought the simracing to where it is today, or were significantly involved in it. For all those who use Fanatec, it would also be great if the company was not destroyed. Hope for an early positive solution or delivery of the goods.
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This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.
Ich will keine Sammelklage, sondern mein DD+! Des Weiteren möchte ich das es Fanatec weiterhin gibt! Sie haben das Simracing erst dort hingebracht wo es heute ist, beziehungsweise waren maßgeblich daran beteiligt. Für alle die Fanatec nutzen wäre es auch toll wenn die Firma hindurch nicht zerstört wird. Hoffen woran auf eine baldige positive Lösung oder Lieferung der Ware.
I don't want a class action, but my DD+! Furthermore, I would like Fanatec to continue to exist! They only brought the simracing to where it is today, or were significantly involved in it. For all those who use Fanatec, it would also be great if the company was not destroyed. Hope for an early positive solution or delivery of the goods.
If it’s a question on “if it’s an actual chip” I watched boosted media do a review on the DD and DD+ a couple months ago.
During the partial tear down, I did see the chip with the Sony name on the circuit board. On the regular DD the socket on the board is empty.
Im sure Sony sent those chips for installation. This final approval process I have no idea on procedures of PlayStation testing for compatibility and or software on Sonys side. I just hope that the base Sony received is working flawlessly
Think we are all becoming like mushrooms “They keep us in the dark and feed us shit”.
sorry still trying to find a little humor here forgive me
A class action suit wouldn't be about destroying Fanatec, it would be about ensuring their customers are compensated properly and Fanatec not getting unfair advantage for their incompetent, neglecting or malicious behaviour. That being said, I think it would be in best interest of all parties if Fanatec just made it right by themselves.
Thats not what i said, nor meant.
i said the functionality of the PS could be permanently disabled via firmware so it could still be sold. Much like Apple has had to do with their latest watch in the USA with the blood oxygen monitor in order to be allowed to sell it.
Dear Katarzyna,
your order will be released once the QR2 Wheel-Side is back in stock. You can find regular updates on the availability date for this product under the “Orders” tab in your customer account.
Your Fanatec Team
he is back
Hi Ricardo,
we understand your concern. However, if you order a product right now that is in stock and shows as available on our website, it will be processed within the given time frame.
Your Fanatec Team
Hello @James
I wanted to ask for help in clarifying the situation regarding my order 1827606 dated 11/24/2023 (included clubsport DD , non DD+). Still haven't received any information.
Although a later order dated 11/26/2023 appeared today indicating that it would be delivered tomorrow
Get a break men, wow you are unbelievable!
go to your doghouse and be quiet
Okay, Thanks
@james when I click my orders tab, it gives me no update on expected stock availability dates. All I see is "Handed over to warehouse" status "Open". What am I missing?
@James @Fanatec
What about this order? If you are going to help one person with their outstanding unfulfilled order, help everyone. I'm still waiting on any sort of reply for this issue.
No! What it says is there will Definitely NOT be an approval within 2 weeks. That takes us to week beginning 5th February. 1st business week of the month 👍🏻
now where the speculation starts is,
do fanatec have a time frame from Sony ?
is the February preorder date just more guessing from fanatec ?
none of us know & we are all waiting for the DD+ , hopefully fanatec will give us all a little sweetener for the delays
I'm just gonna say this for the optimistic poeple. 60ishhh days in the BF order nightmare, I just gave up. I'm very optimistic in life and I like to give a chance to come clean when shit happens. But now ? Do you really believe in miracles because this is what you guys need.
Best of luck !
I sent them the same kind of email, only to be told my order has been cancelled and a refund will be issued, I promptly replied back with, i never asked for a refund as a refund is no good to me, I need the parts that are in the first order as they have delivered the second part of the order already, with out the first one I might as well throw away the second order. This was a week ago and I've not heard back nor received a refund. In total I have probably spent over the years more than 5k on all there equipment, never had issues in the past but this takes the P#SS.
You keep bumping your gums, telling everyone for weeks that you are leaving this forum and going to a competitor. Yet hear you are again with nothing constructive to add as usual.
I am not leaving, nor have I said so. but I tell others to leave. that is an important difference.
but someone with a weak mind can hardly understand what is read.
@James Please ban this guy.. Please..
I'm one of the original Preorder customers and am very keen that the communication on the issues is kept up and please be honest with us as to timelines.
@James If you receive the license, will sell simultaneously in japan region?
Hello, do you know anything about my order? Or do I have to tell PayPal to cancel it? Since we are on the 23rd and nothing is known. Thank you?
it seems like we're on the same team, but you're giving me shit.
what a moron you are.
apparently James should ban you too because you're boring them. but why? because you paid for something with your money, which they keep, and you did not receive the goods.
but you are too stupid to understand what my function is there, as well as several of us who persistently push this crap from the FanaSCAM company to work properly. only when it works properly can we leave them alone. Until then, they owe us a lot.
maybe the reason could be that the PS5pro have a new SecurityChip inside and to get it for the upcoming PS5pro compatible they have to test some things...
Maurizio, good evening, since we're talking about software, you can also take a look at this problem, it seems abnormal, thanks.
Fanatec Driver 455 Release Candidate for CSL, CS and Podium (all wheels)
before purchasing
Yes! This is the correct attitude.
The other thing that's messed up about this situation is they have the preorder availability date listed as February 28th.
So that's one of two options:
1. They are banking on the Sony approval by then at the risk of screwing over more customers should approval not be met.
2. They know for a fact approval will be received by Feb 28 and have not communicated that to existing customers.
Either option is horrible business practice.
It‘s Feb 19 in Australia so I think #2 is not correct