ClubSport DD+ Update

James .James . Member, Administrator
edited June 2024 in Blog

Dear Community,  

We would like to provide you with an update on the status of Sony's approval for the ClubSport DD+.

At the time of our last update, we expected to receive the license by mid-January. However, we were now informed that the review process is still ongoing. Currently, we do not anticipate receiving the license for the first product on the market, which incorporates Sony's new security electronics within the next two weeks.

We are very sorry that we have not yet received a green light to ship this exciting new product to you and apologize for any resulting inconvenience to you. It goes without saying that we will continue to keep you updated on a shipping date as soon as the details are made available to us.

Thank you for your patience!

Your Fanatec Team



  • Question: what will happen if Sony, for any reason, finally refuse to approve the product?

  • edited January 2024

    Can you get someone to check the email queue? My Black Friday order is still processing and I can't get hold of anyone in Australia

  • Will we get another update every week or 2 weeks plz ?

  • Sry Team fanatec i canceled yestetday… i dont want to wait anymore… i will buy a wheelbase from asetek or simucube

    You could have communicated this openly from the beginning, then everyone would have known what was going on... but that's a cheeky thing and I gave you an interest-free loan for 3 months... I really don't think it's a good idea and accepting further pre-orders is fine questionable under these conditions

  • this company is a joke

  • And yet again you disappointed us with an information you have known since last year. Get the reviews out there gentleman.

  • How can you sell something that has not been officially approved. What if it doesn't go through the Sony licensing process?
  • I can somewhat empathize with the people at Fanatec now. If the product is as good as what I've heard before, they must be eager for players to get their hands on it as soon as possible. What a mess.

  • This news is too disappointing

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    Id assume that either:

    1) Functionality for PS is disabled via firmware, and then sold as only PC and XBox compatible


    2) DD+ gets cancelled and withdrawn from sale

  • Very disappointing news. You guys are holding our money since November 2023 or even further down in 2023. Your customer service is not responsive at all and you let your customers in the cold with updates on this issue, or the updates are coming very slow. I worked with licenses in the past at The Walt Disney Company and those approval processes can take a very long time. Selling the products without this approval was not clearly mentioned from your side so this feels like you were not honest with us and already new this was a high risk to take.

    In the meantime, Fanatec optimized his cashflow with taking our money. Please be honest and give us regular updates on this.

    The least we can expect after paying the full order with a promised availability date that was a scam.

    You guys are a disappointment at this point, get your shit together!

  • This news is simply devastating. It's not just that they haven't obtained it yet, but they don't even expect to get it in a short time (two weeks). I just feel fear, fear that this process will extend for several months, or worse, that in the end, they won't be granted the license, and my wait would have been in vain

  • All DD+ pre-orderers deserve a Purple Heart.

    If I cancel the order right now, I will lose my BF products at the same time. They should pay us back for this. Not to say we wait two months for nothing

  • Kevin McPakeKevin McPake Member
    edited January 2024

    What an actual disaster! 🤬🤬🤬🤬

    ive unboxed my V3 & wheel .

    if this gets cancelled I’ll be fighting every way possible to return the items & get my money back.

    Utter absolute shambles this is

  • Just sold it on eBay or something similar.

  • Hello @Fanatec, @James,

    First of all, thanks for the long awaited update. The least you can do when the plan is going badly is to be transparent and honest, so the customer don't completely lose trust and hope.

    Nonetheless, this project management / product launch is shambolic and utter chaos, which is very disappointed as this new Clubsport DD range was supposed to get your brand in the next bracket / generation. I'm sure your product will end up being brilliant in 6 months time when all the mess will be completely behind, but again it is the most fidel customers that pay the high price for you, being those who preorder.

    I hope some kind of compensation will be possible, same kind as the 25% voucher, in return for this mess. People (like me) sold their GT DD Pro to finance the new setup, and it means that I'm just going through the best period of the year for simracing (winter, as summer is way too hot to wrestle with a DD) without being able to enjoy my passion / driving with my friends.

    Hope this situation will find a happy ending soon enough, and that next few updates will not themselves be awaited for too long.

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    You're absolutely right. I not only sold my DD Pro (perhaps hastily), but I also invested in a better cockpit. At the same time, when I reserved this base, I took the opportunity to upgrade my pedals and wheels. Imagine having a brand new, unused cockpit sitting empty for two and a half months and finding myself in this situation. I'm very sad

  • Smail LaibSmail Laib Member
    edited January 2024
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    I race a while with my controller but I whanted to switch to a direct drive base and now I can’t even do it I have everything ready to go just the base is missing you can’t imagine how I feel, playing with the controller in a race rig…

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    I'm in the same situation but much worse. I've been using a steering wheel since 2017, and transitioning to a controller feels awful to me, but it's the only thing I have available in the absence of this DD+

  • maybe this is closely related to the considerable number of defective CS DD units. so possibly all ready CS DD and DD+ units are opened and repaired, along with I believe 456(?) driver and new firmware software.

    if nothing else, it would be a useful and smart idea, rather than continuing to screw up customers with surprises after a couple of days of use and it crashes.

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    So unfortunately.. but we can’t nothing do only just wait if you really whant the dd+, so if I read James his post good he is saying that it will be send in 2 weeks ?

  • Thanks for the update! I feel for everyone who can’t handle this tragic news.

    I can remain vigilant as all it requires from me is to put it in the back of my mind for a couple weeks.

    LETS GO!!!!!!

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    English is not my native language, but I understand that they are also not expecting to have the approval within two weeks. I guess that sounds better than saying 'we don't know when we will have the approval

  • zeko zekanzeko zekan Member
    edited January 2024

    it's all part of their big plan to save themselves financially, and they had to show the end of 2023 in a great financial chart on the way up. along with various financial benefits that then go in their favor. government incentives, investors, sponsors, etc.

    that's how they made BF extra interesting and attractive to many, and even to those who crossed them a long time ago. extremely large discounts and attractive products.

    the F1 V2.5x steering wheel is one of the big baits, where they lured thousands of customers, took the money, held it for weeks and then compassionately offered to wait 4 months or cancel with a 25% voucher.

    it's all their games. they are not that stupid and incompetent. they are very intelligent and deceitful beings.

    that is our FanaSCAM.

  • So you decided to drop the worst possible news without any kind of a mention about how you're going to make it right with the preorderers who have no other choice but wait for you to do the job you were supposed to do months ago? How about you start talking about compensation, because there WILL be compensation. Figure it out for the next update.

  • I have this on preorder, and I'm upset about this whole fiasco, but I think what's even worse is having an order from November still in limbo! Order #1822434 from November 23rd is still yet to be shipped. No updates, no response to emails, and all of it was in stock at time of order and none of it went out of stock at any point in the US webshop between then and now. Even more infuriating is the fact that I've ordered things is December as well, but at full price, and they were all shipped in reasonable time, and I have those two orders in hand already. What is going on, are you guys just flat out not shipping old orders anymore?

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    I will be happy if they will sent my BF order part way, and not changing qr2 availability from 27/12 to 14/02 because of sony not approval dd+... we will not get it till march....

  • Moi aussi depuis le 23 novembre j'attends ma commande DD+ et personne du service commercial ne c'est manifester. Décevant comme premier contact avec la marque FANATEC.

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    ClubSport DD+ Update

    I would love to know whos bright idea it was to do pre-orders for a product that wasn't approved for a license to sell!! This is a shady business practice and I will be canceling my order. I will never and I mean never purchase anything from this company in the future. For a company to do this my trust and faith is gone forever! Now... I have to fight to get my refund 😒😤😑 should have just purchased simcube smdh.

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    This is my first time i bought something from fanatec. Sad thing is i am so looking forward to this and fanatec is the only vompnay with support for all 3 platforms at the same time i litterally cant go somewhere else. This is really frustrating because i bought a whole setup saved money for months with a full rig ,pedals,handbrake,shifter,2wheels,2 x qr2,and thos wheelbase is just the thing i really want but man its tempting to just let it go take my loss and take another company for a spin instead and sell the steering wheels instead pff i dont know what i should do at this point

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